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Artist Statement: Remix explores the concepts of time, connection, and nostalgia through portraits of myself and others I’m close to. It is officially past the one year mark in which I have been on campus since the pandemic started. Time seems to be simultaneously fleeting yet standing still. Though I’m very much over the initial shock that the onset of the pandemic brought, my body recognizes the mental trauma experienced as we reach the one year anniversary of when everything went south.

The photos in this project serve as individual songs in a playlist. When placed in sequence, they reveal something about my personality and development, just like a normal playlist. Visually, if the imagery seems disjointed – that is intentional. Just like a Spotify user curates a playlist with songs that have meaning to them, I have included photos from this quarter that have meaning to me. And just like many Spotify playlists, stylistically, some of my “songs” are from the same artist (maybe even from the same album from that artist), some songs are in a similar genre but from a different artist, and some songs are from different genres and different artists altogether. Further, the photos in Remix do not have any particular order. When shuffling a playlist on Spotify or Apple Music, the specific sequencing of each song in a playlist is determined by an algorithm – something we can’t control. However, each combination and permutation of songs provides a different sonic experience. As such, the photos in Remix function in the same way.

These photos are a direct reflection of my experience quarantining on campus since March 2020. A visual representation of my time here, the people I’ve spent it with, and how we’ve coped – a remix of what was, what is, and what will continue to be.

captured on Canon 5d Mark III and a Fujifilm disposable camera. sequenced and edited in Adobe Photoshop.
